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Starbird Digital - Datacenter

Friday 7th of March 2025

Custom Quote

Computer Programmer

Custom website designs, made to order. This is a more expensive option as you are choosing to pay for developer time. We will work with you to help you to create a website that meets your specific requirements.

Using our Easy SDCMS is a cheaper option. You can get a quote for that here.

Before answering these questions, we recommend that you make a sketch of each page, thinking about how many images you want to put on each page and where they will go. You will also need to think about how many different sections that you will have on each page.

How many pages do you want on your website?

How many images in total do you want on your website (including all of the images in any slide shows)?

How many sections in total do you want on your website?
(for example if you wrote about two different people on one page, that would be two sections. Four pages with five sections on each page is 20 sections)

How many pages do you want to be able to edit yourself using an admin area?
(leave as 0 if you don't want an admin area)

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